Friday, 28 January 2011

Meateasy - Goldsmiths Tavern, New Cross Road SE14

I'm not going to say a lot about this but if you can get down and try the #Meateasy whilst it is there you really should.  Just be patient, the food comes when its ready and enjoy the wait with a cocktail or two and you'll be richly rewarded.  Other people have written some words here and here and nothing more needs to be said!


  1. I think someone needs to point them in the direction of chicken wing deconstruction tutorial.

    I really need to get myself down to the meateasy soon, especially now it looks like a Metro review will be coming soon. That's hardly going to help the wait.

  2. Agreed on that front but it was quite fun just tearing them up. As soon as it gets into the Metro it's just going to get even more mental. GO NOW!!!
